What inspired you to start your business?
We love having a great tasting cocktail at the end of a busy day, but there is nothing worse than realizing you never have all the ingredients at home to make that ideal cocktail you are craving. We saw a void in the marketplace for a brand that made a delicious cocktail that came in the convenience of a can. While looking into the exciting beverage industry, we realized that not many women brands are in this business and what an awesome way to merge a cocktail with a brand that honored the importance of connection and support between women.
What challenges have you faced as a woman entrepreneur and how did you overcome them?
The main challenge has been launching a female-focused cocktail brand in a male-dominated industry. The obstacles have become our greatest asset. Working to get males on board with a female-centric brand and understand our vision has been exciting. They not only loved our story and messaging, but our taste surpassed expectations for a canned cocktail.
What advice would you give to other women entrepreneurs?
Believe in your product and assemble a team who has your same passion, drive and commitment. Also, be willing to pivot if opportunity presents itself and always be consumer focused.
What three traits define you?
Persistence. Optimism. Devotion.
What women inspire you?
Our mothers and Oprah.
How has being a WBENC-Certified WBE helped your business?
WBENC has helped our business by offering incredible opportunities for connection with other women business owners.
What do you see as the coolest or most important trend in your industry?
The rise of canned cocktails and low alcohol beverages. Our brand offers up the convenience of a can with the delicious taste of a true cocktail, all packaged with great design. Consumers have embraced ready-to-drink -- we are in the right category at the right time. Another trend is the emergence of low alcohol as a millennial choice. At 5% ABV, Two Chicks offers a low alcohol alternative.
As a business owner, what keeps you up at night?
We launched in 2019 and keeping up with the day to day demands for our cocktails is relentless. We're also up at night dreaming of new flavors, new marketing campaigns and creative ways to reach our retailers and consumers.
What are the biggest obstacles you see for young female entrepreneurs?
We don't believe in obstacles. Everything is "figureoutable" and any young entrepreneur should have the attitude that difficulty is an opportunity to learn and put a new plan into action.
What do you love about being a business owner?
Watching your vision come to life and consumers loving your product is SO satisfying.
What’s the hardest part about being a business owner?
Spending the time to scale and build the business. It's about seeing the opportunity and taking risks to take the company to the next level all while trying to make free time to spend with family, friends and yourself.
How do you define success?
Success is when everyone knows your brand, wants your brand, and loves your brand; and your life is balanced between business, family, friends and yourself.
What’s the best piece of career advice you’ve ever received?
Do what you do best and hire a smart team. Delegate and inspire your team to do great things. Teams build companies and teams follow great leaders.
What’s your favorite career moment?
Seeing our finished product shipped and seeing it on the shelf.
If you didn’t have to sleep, what would you do with the extra time?
Sleep? Start-ups and sleep don’t go together...
What are you reading or listening to now?
Rocket Fuel.
As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I wanted to have an empire. -MH I wanted to be a zookeeper. (A start-up is kind of like a zoo). -LC
How do you unwind after a long workday?
Talking with my daughters and besties is the best way to end my day. -MH Spending time with my husband and family. -LC
What do you like about your workspace?
It doubles as my home.
Fill in the blank:
When I face a challenge, I... meditate! and persevere.
If I could go back in time, I would tell myself… enjoy every minute.
The one thing I couldn’t live without is… doublemint gum and the beach/ocean.
By this time next year, I will be… celebrating a successful year!
The best thing that happened to me last week was… receiving an unexpected gift.
To get my creative juices flowing, I… chat with friends that inspire me and research!
two chicks cocktails
Two Chicks Cocktails makes sparkling spirit-based ready-to-drink premium cocktails at 5% alcohol.
Women owned, founded and run
Great taste - flavored with natural essences of fruit and botanicals
Beautiful package catches the consumer’s attention
RTDs the most buoyant category in the industry
All inclusive, LGTBQ friendly brand - founder raised by two moms
Team comprised of industry veterans in branding, marketing, PR, sales and distribution. Two Chicks Cocktails is built upon a very strong foundation with over 21+ years of retail chain experience and marketing