Teni Majekodunmi

CEO & Founder Eclectic Chique


What inspired you to start your business?

A family tragedy hit me and made me look within and what started as my therapy became my passion and grew to a business.

What three traits define you?

Hard Working, Loyal, Confident.

What women inspire you?

My Mum, trailblazing women, Michelle Obama.

As a business owner, what keeps you up at night?

The ability to staying on top of my business at all times. Being relevant and rain making, sometimes fear of what if its not enough?

What are the biggest obstacles you see for young female entrepreneurs?

1. Our emotions. 2. Women are sometimes our biggest enemies; it’s changing but sometimes you meet one or two.

What do you love about being a business owner?

I get to be more efficient, I get to see the whole picture and be involved in the process. I get to give back to my community (by changing lives of people that work for the company) and put smiles on people’s (clients) faces with what we produce.

If you didn’t have to sleep, what would you do with the extra time?

Learn a language, teach my children some sports and games, try new recipes I procrastinate to do, organize the children’s play room and laundry and my closet, get all the birthday photos printed, framed and album’d, read all the novels and biographies, and listen to podcasts.

What’s the best way to start your day?

Coffee, the daily word on my phone and reflect on my to do list, very early before the children wake up, then I feel more guided for the day.

How do you unwind after a long workday?

Sometimes its looking at my to do list on days I achieved a lot, that makes me feel better about my day and then I have a nice shower. I love buying new shower gels and watching fluff in my jammies and really indulgent biscuits and a peppermint tea. Or an evening with friends but a sofa. Other times its going to an exercise class and brisk walking 5km in less than an hour.

Fill in the blank:

When I face a challenge, I... drink coffee and start writing how to tackle it bit by bit.

If I could go back in time, I would tell myself to not worry so much, and live in the moment

The one thing I couldn’t live without is… Chocolate and my children.

By this time next year, I will be… in place of peace and satisfaction with my business in terms of processes being in place.

To get my creative juices flowing, I… drink coffee, look at Pinterest and eat nutty chocolate.

Eclectic chique

Eclectic Chique works very closely with female artisans in Africa in producing our lovingly handmade products and ensuring the highest quality making each piece truly special and unique for the wearer. Our accessories include a vibrant touch of African heritage, mixed with modern designs and feminine influence for a truly eclectic look!

Learn more.
