Tricia Morris
CEO, High End BeautyWhat inspired you to start your business?
I love creating ideas and implementing them. I love inspiring and motivating people as well as solving day to day problems.
What challenges have you faced as a woman entrepreneur and how did you overcome them?
The challenges I’ve faced as a woman small business owner is trying to stay on top of the competition in the beauty industry. I love researching, creating, and keeping on top of the trends, however in order to get the best pricing on good products it can be quite costly.
What advice would you give to other women entrepreneurs?
My advice I can give is do what you love. There will always be tasks that you do not love as a business owner, however if the main part of your business excites you, you will succeed.
What three traits define you?
Strong, Independent, Caring.
What women inspire you?
Women who fought through adversity and beat the odds that were against them, such as Helen Keller and Rosa Parks.
How has being a WBENC-Certified WBE helped your business?
Being certified has helped increase my customer list by at least 25 percent.
What do you see as the coolest or most important trend in your industry?
The ever-changing studies ingredients play in the products we use.
As a business owner, what keeps you up at night?
What keeps me up at night are deadlines, whether those deadlines mean delivering to customer, creating a product, or paying for a product!
What are the biggest obstacles you see for young female entrepreneurs?
I find the biggest obstacle for young female entrepreneurs today is having to be so well rounded in so many different areas. As a business owner today you need to educate yourself on financing, budgeting, competitive, technology, social media, being a team leader, constant innovation and networking.
What do you love about being a business owner?
I love meeting new people from all over the world. I love going to trade shows all over the world and learning about all different cultures.
What’s the hardest part about being a business owner?
The hardest part is, when I’m having a hard day, maintaining enthusiasm and excitement for my team.
How do you define success?
This is an easy one. I define success by the people that keep getting up and staying in the game no matter what. If you stay in your trade and you believe in what you do, you will rise to exactly where you see yourself to be in the future. So envision what you want to be!
What’s the best piece of career advice you’ve ever received?
The best career advice I’ve ever received is to never turn down a meeting, no matter how small or inconsequential you think it may be, as you never know where that meeting could lead.
What’s your favorite career moment?
Being certified with the WBENC as a WBE and WOSB.
If you didn’t have to sleep, what would you do with the extra time?
I would plan more trade shows.
What are you reading or listening to now?
Think Like A Man and You Are A Badass Bitch
What’s the best way to start your day?
Walk, run, workout.
How do you unwind after a long workday?
I take a very long hot bath every single night. It really helps unwind
Fill in the blank:
When I face a challenge, I... breathe and don’t talk
If I could go back in time, I would tell myself... relax, this too shall pass.
The one thing I couldn’t live without is… my kids.
By this time next year, I will be… right where I want to be.
The best thing that happened to me last week was… I found a new office and warehouse.
To get my creative juices flowing, I… look at images, listen to music.
High End Beauty
High End Beauty has been working with manufacturers and distributors on distributing and building beauty brands for 10 years. We have educated ourselves on ingredients that have been scientifically proven to actually work, tried thousands of products and ingredients over specified periods of time, and started our own brand, bringing results-driven and proven products to you.